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Children / Families


There are a number of reasons families may seek ADHD coaching:

  • Child struggling in school
  • Child struggling socially
  • Child lacking independence parents expect 
  • Strained relationships – more yelling, chaos, or tension than some or all family members can handle
  • Overwhelmed parents looking for a better way

I want to help you break difficult cycles, create harmony in your home, and see children thrive.

Here is an idea of what you can expect:

  • You will develop goals as a family (with me facilitating). This means children have a say in their own goals. We can only make progress toward goals that children want to reach.
  • Parents will engage in coaching and work on change themselves. A person’s environment has a significant impact on their success, and children do not have the control over their environment the way adults do. Parents must participate for children to be successful.
  • We will focus on children’s interests. ADHD brains are stimulated by interest. Harnessing this, we can maximize engagement and develop lifetime skills in ways that build confidence, and create positive emotion and feedback loops. Sometimes this means we will do play-based coaching, especially with younger children.
  • There is no one-size-fits-all. I will adapt my methods and approach based on a number of different factors: age, interests, strengths, goals, level of trust, etc. etc. We may do standard talk coaching, play-based coaching, hands-on workshop-type sessions with the whole family, or even methods we create together. I welcome creativity and new ideas.
  • Lasting change takes time. While we will initially seek quick wins to build everyone’s confidence, bigger outcomes require mindset shifts and new skills, which take time to master. You may even start to take for granted the progress we’ve made. I will periodically help you look back to where we started, so that you can appreciate how far we’ve come.

I begin knowing that everyone is doing the best they know how. There is nothing wrong with you or your child. Together we will develop trust and tap into everyone’s strengths to find a new way. 

Book your Free 20-minute Discovery Call