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Adult 1:1 Coaching

My philosophy

Often, as adults with ADHD, we are drawn to coaching as a way to “fix” our problems, our life, or ourselves.

Many of us have faced a lifetime of being told, with and without words, that we are not good enough. People with usually good intentions provide simple solutions and phrases that just don’t work for us:

“Use a planner!”
“Use a calendar!”
“Just do it..”
“We all have to do things we don’t like”
[Insert more frustratingly unhelpful comments here]

What would it be like if you knew nothing was wrong with you? 

I do not believe that change is about what society expects of you. It is not about finding a way to fit into a cookie cutter, chopping away at the things that make you different, filling in the gaps to complete a standard design others have in mind. 

Instead, I believe that change is about what you want. What do you dream of doing? Who do you want to be?

What to expect

As your coach, I will create space for you to explore the changes you want and your own unique way to make them happen. 

I will invite you to consider open-ended questions, offer information to learn about your ADHD brain, and provide models and structure to expand your thinking

I will share insights that come to me through our conversation and gently help you shift to a positive mindset that allows you to see answers you may not have seen before. 

I will do everything I can to help you feel safe working through your thoughts out loud.

I will not give you simple solutions you’ve heard a million times, tell you what to do, or insist on an idea that I have. You are whole, capable, and creative, and you don’t need me to do these things. 

Feel you want someone to just tell you what to do? While you really do need to find your own unique way, I will still partner with you to make your next steps more concrete.

What to expect of yourself

You will identify your desired outcomes from coaching and choose a topic for each session. Then you will dig deep in the sessions and work to implement what we discuss in between. 

You will get what you put in! You are the decision maker and the implementer. But I will be your thinking partner so you don’t feel you are doing it alone.

Book your Free 20-minute Discovery Call