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Meet Kira Lesser

I’m an ADDCA-trained ADHD coach, here to help adults and children with ADHD (and their families) find their brilliant selves and learn to thrive in a world that wasn’t built for us.

My ADHD Story

As a child, I was one of the lucky few inattentive, good-at-school girls who was actually diagnosed (with ADD), thanks to perceptive parents and teachers. “If she’s so smart, why does it take her so long to do her homework?” “So often she just stares into space” “In some ways she seems ahead of her peers, but in other ways she seems really behind.” 

Despite the diagnosis, the only professional help I received was medication, and the only information I learned was that I supposedly couldn’t pay attention. That was supposed to explain everything. 

But also, I struggled socially. Taking a shower or getting up in the morning was like climbing a mountain. Everything took SO LONG. Except math homework, which I loved and wanted more of (yeah, yeah, I know). I spent so much time on what I hated and barely any on what I loved. Unless it was something like art where I could hyperfocus and forget time existed, and turn in beautiful assignments extremely late. 

If I could focus so intently, I must not have had this ADHD thing, right? (Wrong.) I stopped taking meds, because I “didn’t feel like myself” and it only “maybe helped me a little in the morning.” (Turns out, I was on the wrong meds or the wrong dose.) I was diagnosed with dyslexia in high school and latched onto this as my new “everything” explanation. That’s why homework took so long. That’s why socializing was hard, due to language challenges affecting speech (an explanation I made up myself). Difficulty with hygiene and chores … well, that was just poor willpower, and must be my own fault. This shame on top of social challenges meant my self esteem basically disappeared as I chased trying to be like everyone else. 

After years of struggling to find my path and identity into adulthood, I came across the YouTube channel “How to ADHD” (highly recommend). As I watched the videos, it was like a puzzle clicking into place, one piece after another in quick succession. I got my new, shiny diagnosis of ADHD inattentive type at age 36, and gobbled up every piece of information I could find. 

My Path to Coaching

A dear friend of mine from my MBA introduced me to this ADHD coaching program called ADDCA. It sounded great, but for a while I didn’t trust myself – I’d been chasing shiny objects only to lose interest how many times?

But then I realized, what could be a better fit than to dive deeper into the thing that has capitalized my brain space for the last few years? Than to own a business and bring together my favorite parts of my MBA with my creative firework of a brain? Than to help other people transform their lives the way I have, or avoid the struggle that I faced for so long? Than to have the credibility to advocate for a neurodivergent-friendly world? 

For the first time, I’d found my calling. I’m happy to say, my interest has not waned one bit. This is a settled, “water I swim in” kind of interest that can carry shiny objects away with the tide. 

And now, I want to help you or your family or your workplace to thrive. To drop the shame and expectations that have tied you down. To harness radiant ADHD brains to create lives you’ve only dreamt of. 

Quick facts

  • ADDCA trained coach
  • MBA from University of Michigan
  • Experience in tech & utility industries
  • Jazz singer
  • Mom to a toddler and a really sweet cat
  • Lover of astrophysics
  • Avid sci fi / fantasy reader

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